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With the COVID-19 pandemic still an issue, many cruise and tour companies are working diligently to ensure the health and safety of their guests. This article will take a look at some of the COVID protocols that are common in the travel business.

Cleaning Protocols

Cleaning protocols for most cruise ships have improved drastically in the last 2 years, with higher strength products and disinfectants. High-touch surfaces, such as railings and door handles are usually cleaned more often.

Air Quality

Many cruise lines have spent time during the pandemic to invest in more effective air filtration for their HVAC systems. This reduces the risk of spreading airborne pathogens, such as the coronavirus.

Medical Facilities

To help improve guest health and safety, many cruise lines have improved the quality of their medical care facilities onboard, including increased staffing and equipment. Many of these facilities can provide rapid coronavirus testing. Additionally, some cruise lines will even cover COVID care costs.

Mask Protocols

Mask protocols can vary from cruise line to cruise line and may change based on the port of calls on your itinerary. Some cruise lines, especially those that require all travelers to be vaccinated, do not require masks. Others may only require them within indoor spaces of the ship. However, even if the ship does not require masks, your ports of call may. Listen to instructions from the crew about mask policies for your vacation’s ports.
Some cruise lines may have requirements for the types of masks and face wear that is acceptable. For example, not every cruise line may not accept bandanas and gaiters as mask replacements.

Vaccination Protocols

Certain countries and territories require proof of vaccination guests. For example, most European cruises require full vaccination for all guests and crew. Most European ports of call require visitors 18 and older to be vaccinated.
Depending on the cruise company, there may be exceptions for younger individuals in America. Certain ports of call, such as the Bahamas and St. Thomas, require all individuals 12 or older to be vaccinated.

COVID Protocols for Your Cruise

Each cruise line will handle their COVID-19 protocols differently, and they may change based on the destinations of your vacation. Speak with your travel agent, or visit the cruise line’s website for more specific information regarding the cruise line’s coronavirus protocols.

This article was written on 10/27/2021. Certain protocols performed by cruise lines and tour companies are subject to change. This article is meant for informational purposes only, and should not be regarded as a substitute for actual travel advice. For more information, speak with your travel agent.
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